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Proven Edtech Experience

Experienced Team in Rostering, Data Integration, and Interoperability.

Mick Hewitt


Doug Weber


Experience Counts. 100+ Years of Combined Edtech Team Experience.

Message From The Founders:
At Ednition, our mission is to help edtech developers build and scale edtech applications. Our purpose is to solve the "edtech stack challenges", so you can focus on building your core business centered around student learning. We know from first-hand experience how deceivingly complex and expensive rostering and interoperability can be as you scale and grow. When we founded our last company, MasteryConnect (acquired by Instructure, makers of Canvas, in 2019), we were the first to try third-party data providers, and we spent an insane amount of time and money on rostering and interoperability at the expense of building features for teachers and students. At the time MasteryConnect was acquired, we were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars not only on data tolls, but on internal infrastructure, support, and implementation. Through it all, we ended up with a set of black box internal systems and rostering issues constantly being escalated to our highest paid engineers, and we were constantly chasing the "next" district integration. We saw enough pain and distraction in the process, that we founded Ednition. We're dedicated to helping edtech companies, developers, and entrepreneurs with their "edtech stack" challenges to enable whole-child, leaner-centered education platforms.

Ednition is a proud partner of 1Edtech and the AWS Partner Network. We are grateful to the incredible experience and support of our investors and advisors. We'll have more news on that front soon!

Cheers, Mick & Doug.